
Relationship between spouses is a fuel for life!!!

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Sexual relationship between spouses is a fuel for life. It is the fuel of youth, of happiness, of body and soul, of the very soul of love.

What is the effect of the continuation of the circumstances that affect the non-exercise of the relationship between spouses??

The cessation of sex and the relationship between spouses is due to reasons, such as:

1 organic disease

2 mental illness

3 environmental conditions

4 social conditions


Disruption of the marital sexual correlation because of one of these things:

1 Exacerbates the coldness in the relationship

2 Exacerbates the same problem in the case of disputes, for example

3 Because of it, some parties may deviate to temptations and respond to them or renew a new legal relationship based on the sexual frigidity of the first partner.

correlation: Solutions:

1 The initiative to solve the problem. Perhaps the things that the husband should manage to get rid of the problem than the woman should initiate.

Because the woman may be somewhat stubborn because the lack of something from the husband exacerbates the matter

2 Stay away from routine and change the atmosphere and do what requires renewal:

Perhaps the preparation of the atmosphere in the house must change and renewed and give a new color. This is accompanied by the provision of a new atmosphere. (changing the lighting and using ritual candles with calm natural sounds). Tempting clothing, as well as the importance of knowing changing positions in the marital relationship. Not rushing in penetration, because the goal is enjoyment. That causes affection and peace between them whenever the relationship occurs.

3 Hygiene and sterilization:

If you Clean the sensitive area as it is the lotion for the woman to avoid infections. Clean the sensitive areas Women may be harmed by it more than the man. Especially for the man who does not sterilize himself well with water, because infections are caused by the marital relationship the husband is unaware that purity is sterilization, washing with soap and water, removing odors during the secretions of both sexes, and using materials prepared for that, and beware of the smell of smoke, sweat, cooking and other things that repel sex and cause sexual frigidity

4 For condoms and birth control pills:

Dear husband, your wifeโ€™s use of contraceptive pills (you may not know that it causes her harm, diseases, infections, hormonal and menstrual disorders, and changes in bleeding)

You must understand the seriousness of this matter, and women bear that in terms of regulating pregnancy, and it may be your desire, so you must cooperate, wear condoms, use positions that prevent the chances of pregnancy for women, and bring about a recovery in women’s health due to the man’s ignorance, unfortunately, that he causes them this matter. You have to appreciate this matter and that it is suffering, fatigue, and hardship. That you do not know about, and it may involve medical issues and mood changes.

5 Change in routine, travel, change of body and dress and ways of completing things, deporting children for half a day and taking a vacation from the practice of life renews your sexual life.

6 When you see your wife does not care about her appearance and elegance, because of the housework (no excuse), you should know that these things cause this for all of you (I mean not allowing the relationship and temptations), so you must provide an appropriate atmosphere in the house, fatigue in the effort causes this on both of you.

7 The longing between you must be renewed in the way that suits you, for every matter is lukewarm and cold. Changing this atmosphere causes a revival of the relationship.

8 I know that the death of the sexual relationship in your life with the spouse does not mean going and leniency with the forbidden and renewing the relationship with a girl / young man (and let’s say even if it is permissible, the new party will become like the old party, and there will be behind him and life will turn as it is It was, that’s why finding a relationship (halal or haram) is not when you renew your life with your partner

And to grow updates and ways to revive them by learning. Educating and benefiting from information in this field to develop the relationship and love and life continues. So the most beautiful thing is with your partner It is essential to make updates and changes. Break the routine, vacations, discharge the children and take a walk and a cafe on your own. Children are a reason that threatens apathy in Relationships.

relation: before the end:

Continuity of the relationship between spouses: the man and the woman are equally involved in it, (work hard to change)

Especially in home clothes (don’t go down with pants and undershirt) pamper yourself, as well as women. (they know about these things and I always recommend sisters to change dress meaning. It is not a condition that sexual relations take place without clothes)

The reason for this is for both spouses:

Draw attention, refresh the eyes, and refresh the sense of smell.

(For example, seductive clothing (for both sexes, especially women) + the partnerโ€™s body odor. For example, a refreshing cream or a natural scent,)

Here is the response of the eye and the nose to what is being looked at and tattooed in the nose, which helps to perceive the brain and increase desire, especially erection, and reduces diseases of the coldness of desire

(Most women already know these things) (But not all men use refreshing body deodorants and not routine perfumes, as well as removing sweat, bathing, not smoking, and not eating anything that contains garlic, onions, and smells that alienate the partner)

Also, some men do not care about their appearance at all, and this is a calamity and enters the causes of sexual frigidity

Means work, husband, to attract the wife’s attention and make your body a source of recovery

Because among the rituals in the relationship are matters of smell, especially in the nose, neck, and places that provoke the nervous system. When you smell something that is not good, such as sweat, the smell of smoke, the presence of armpit hair, or the smell of cooking, it is enough to cause a malfunction in the entire session due to the brainโ€™s response to an alienating thing.

The sexual relationship between spouses is a fuel for life and a cause of causes, and like any activity, it requires renewal, cleanliness, purity, doing what causes temptation, and doing what revives this matter between you, and the anus is avoided and what the soul and Sharia abhor.

There is no point in renewing the partner’s failure in a new partner, for life and routine will inevitably return.

And do not forget the supplication, O Allah, keep us away from Satan and keep Satan away from what you have provided us with, and the naming when the door is closed and locked

Written by taky hed

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