
Supplementary retirement pension: this amount that seniors will receive extra from November!

On August 18, the law protecting the purchasing power of the French was passed was published in the Official Gazette. This text entailed several increases, including the 4% increase in the basic pension. Discussions are still ongoing for supplementary pensions. It started on September 13 for Agirc-Arrco.

At the time of writing this article, debates between employers and unions are taking place. Anyway, we will be fixed on October 6, according to the journalist Julien Bigard. In addition, the latter was invited on the set of “19/20”, Thursday 22 Sept. The journalist brings us some clarifications about the increase. Here are the details.

Revaluation of supplementary pensions

Remember Emmanuel Macron’s Campaign Promise does not apply to supplementary pension. In addition, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said:

“It is up to the social partners to upgrade the supplementary pensions. We are increasing the basic pensions. »

As for the date, we already knowthere will be no increase before the hour supplementary pensions this year.

“The social partners who manage Agirc-Arrco, the supplementary pension for private sector employees, are sticking to the planned schedule, which provides for an increase on November 1, explain our colleagues from Paris.

You should know that the value of the supplementary pension each year adjusted to the degree of inflation on French territory. As usual, the revolution intervenes in the payment of the month of November.

In addition, discussions are already underway to determine the percentage of the revaluation. For Agirc-Arrco retirees, employers and unions are already coming together since September 13.

The challenges of this upgrade

Financially, of course, there is the advantage of earning more for increase the purchasing power of retirees. On the other hand, there is much more. Indeed, this revaluation also plays into the political plan of the state.

The revaluation of 4% for basic pensions, the imbalance between the schemes increases. This revaluation benefits civil servants much more than private pensioners. The reason is that for all pensions that civil servants receive each month, 90% are basic pensions.

However, for former private sector employees this applies: represents only 70% or even 50% for executive employees. In this regard, Valérie Batigne, founder and president of Sapiendo, a company specializing in pensions, points to this favouritism.

Reported by our colleagues at Figaro, the latter said:

“Revaluations due to inflation remind us once again of the differences in treatment between the regulations and the statutes. It widens the gap between the regimes committed to financial equilibrium and the others. »

She added that this situation creates “differences between the French”. Happy, the revaluation of supplementary pensions not for very long.

The discussions about the percentage

First of all, let’s point out that the 2019 national interprofessional agreement dictates the rules for the revaluation of supplementary pensions. This agreement provides that the revaluation is carried out according to:

“Average annual salary of scheme nationals estimated for the current year minus a sustainability factor calculated so that in practice the service value of the point evolves at least like consumer prices excluding tobacco, provided that the price development does not exceed that of wages »

Taking into account this rule, the Agirc-Arrco Technical and Financial Committee has proposed: a revaluation of 4.8%. This figure is not final. In addition, several union leaders rushed to point out that in addition to last year’s stagnation, more aid needs to be given to former private sector workers.

Pierre Roger of CFE-CGC said:

“We have to see to what extent it is possible to go slightly above the announced figures, while remaining in the nails of the regime. »

The same day, Michel Beaugas of the Force Ouvriere adds:

“Especially since last year, an effort has been demanded from retirees. »

A few days ago, on the set of “19/20”a journalist clarify.

“The increase must reach 5%”

We already know that the revaluation of the supplementary retirement pension will be effective from november. What we don’t know is the height of the increase. According to journalist Julien Bigard, on the set of “19/20”Thursday 22 Sept:

“A priori, the increase should be around 5% and that’s a good surprise, because it’s almost the level of inflation. »

According to figures published by INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies), inflation last month was 5.9% over a year. This is what we can read on the INSEE website:

“In August 2022, consumer prices rose 0.5% over a month and 5.9% over a year”

But again, the revaluation of 5% of the supplementary retirement pension is only a hypothesis, the official figures should be known by October 6, according to Julien Bigard.

An envelope of 4 billion euros for the supplementary pension

If we take into account this 5% increase, the social partner Agirc-Arrco has to deduct an amount of 4 billion euros from its reserve. Note that the company’s current reserve is estimated at 65 billion euros.

For example, a pensioner who receives 2,000 euros old-age pension, of which 800 euros basic pension and 1,200 euros supplementary pension, 60 euros more per month only with its complement.

If we add up the revaluation of the basic pensions, this gives: total 92 euros according to journalist Julien Bigard:

“We still have to add up the increase in the basic scheme that all pensioners have benefited from since September: for him that is 32 euros per month. So if we add the two revaluations together, his pension increases by 92 euros. »

In these times of crisis it is always welcome to make ends meet. As for the details, one thing is for sure, we will be fixed in november.

#Supplementary #retirement #pension #amount #seniors #receive #extra #November

Written by Takyhed

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