
Linky meter: this magic trick to know to reduce your consumption and your bill!

Linky meters are from Enedis, the electricity giant. And as they spread more and more in France, they don’t seem to please everyone. As evidence, the numerous lawsuits that Enedis has conducted and gadget. Some even complain that their health is deteriorating, others refuse their poses or still worry of power outages. But a device can make sure you no longer have this concern and lower your bill. We explain everything here.

Linky meters, help for the future

For several years now, the government has wanted Linky meters to be increasingly distributed in France. They are part of an energy transition project for France. In fact, these could make France greener and better for the environment.

For example, the government encourages as many households as possible to install these Linky meters. But that doesn’t seem to everyone’s taste. Many households refuse to have these Linky meters delivered to their home. But what’s left? it is good that counters have many interests for everyone. Whether it’s for the country, or even for the consumer.

The interests

Linky counters do indeed have a peculiarity. They should help the French to manage their consumption. And indeed, it seems quite possible. It turns out that Linky meters allow you to track your consumption in real time. They are all equipped with a visual signal. In reality, a small light comes to warn by flashing quickly when the household uses more power than usual.

But it doesn’t stop there. With Linky counters it is still possible to monitor in real time your consumption in real time thanks to the internet. This way you can see when you consume more or less. And so it remains much easier to manage your consumption yourself. So you can know which devices consume the most and when to enable them.

Linky meters, for example, are interesting for an energy transition. With winter approaching, the French will have to show “energy sobriety”. It’s about saving as much energy as possible so as not to be missing this winter. There are many rumors about this. How Enedis could come to cut off the electricity in case of shortage. But this remains denied.


These rumors of power outages keep many people well opposed to this idea of ​​Linky meters. It turns out that for the coming winter, and the situation in France, many French people fear Enedis will cut power to some homes. Enedis has indeed got wind of these rumors and denied them. He remains encouraged that the French Of course, pay attention to their energy consumption.

For starters, it seems possible that if everyone heats their house to 19 degrees, it is possible a 15% decrease in consumption. It therefore seems possible that France will not rely on: blackouts. Indeed, Enedis denies the rumors of austerity.

But Enedis also said that if the cuts happened, they wouldn’t just worry people with Linky meters. Moreover, if cuts were made, they would be kept under control, no more than two hours a day. And they would take place at strategic points, at predetermined timesso that be as inconspicuous as possible.

Enedis denies!

But Enedis, even though the group has denied this information, continues to spark the ire of some Frenchmen. Even if Linky meters allow for much more simplicity and efficiency, that doesn’t seem convincing. With these counters it is indeed possible to remote power consumption, so no need to send a technician. And what’s more, it allows much better precision when lifting.

Many lawsuits

And when Enedis stated that the Linky meters also allow for far fewer waves to be emitted, that doesn’t seem true. Because if for most people the waves are released by the meters Linky does not affect their health, for others it is different. Some users of these counters have noticed that their health deteriorates very quickly. In question, therefore, the green counters. And when some asked Linky to remove them, the no was firm.

For example, Enedis appeared sued by people who are sensitive to waves. And the case seemed won by citizens and not by the Enedis group. So that’s what the company looked like the obligation to remove Linky meters of these homes on pain of receiving a fine as compensation for users. So Linky’s counters don’t seem to be unanimous. But it still continues today.

A message on the Linky counter

Indeed, not so long ago, people equipped with Linky meters had a very unpleasant surprise. It turned out that they could see a funny message on them. So it could read”POWER OVERWRITTEN” Where “power exceeded”. Obviously, this message means that the household is consuming too much. That is, more than the amount included in the subscription. And as soon as this message appears, Enedis cuts electricity without notifying users.

And this way of doing things seems to annoy consumers who are very dissatisfied with Linky meters. Very surprised by this message and these events, the victims contacted Enedis. And so they got a response that, according to Planet, said “Enedis encourages users to contact their carrier to review their subscription if the meter fails due to a consumption peak. Instead of adjusting the bill as the other gauges did, Linky immediately arranges to cut”.

The aim of the maneuver then seems to encourage French people with Linky meters to pay larger subscriptions. And yet there seems to be a very simple way to allay this concern. To not have to worry about it anymore overconsumptionit is of course still possible to monitor consumption or increase the subscription.

A simple trick for the linky counter

But these two tricks don’t always seem possible. Indeed, paying a more expensive subscription seems to be what Enedis wants. But there are even easier ones for Linky counter users. Just plug in a power plant. For example, Futura states that this means “connects to the output of the circuit breaker, before the protection devices: differential switches, circuit breakers”.

The operation remains very simple. Just add this device and it will cut the secondary lines. It thus deprives less usable devices of power. In this wayoverconsumption should no longer occur. And everything will be reactivated as soon as the situation returns to normal. This ultimately means “minimizes subscription costs and therefore, from save money”. On the other hand, you have to be careful to take a device that remains compatible with Linky counters.

#Linky #meter #magic #trick #reduce #consumption #bill

Written by Takyhed

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