
Child benefit, RSA, pensions: these allowances must go up in 2023!

Child benefit and social security benefits will be revalued in April 2023. Old-age pensions become from January 2023 according to information reported by Les Echos on Sunday, September 25.

A little help from the government

The purchasing power of the French will benefit from a small boost from the government. Indeed, the State plans a slight increase in social benefits in 2023. That said, from January, the old-age pensions is increased by 0.8%. The family benefits will be increased by 1.7% in April 2023.

It will be the same for Active Solidarity Income (RSA). It was Les Echos who revealed this information on Sunday, September 25. The government had already anticipated the revaluations of social benefits to offset the sharp price increases.

He based this on current inflation. Normally this is based on that of the previous year. However, in January 2022, old-age pensions were subject to:an increase of 1.1%. A few months later, on January 1, 2022 to be precise, those same pensions saw another revaluation. This time 4%.

At the same time, the government increased child benefit and the RSA. +1.8% in April and +4% in July.

A remaining increase on January 1, 2023

According to Les Echos, the assessment of the director of the average revaluation of pensions over the year 2022 is 3.1%. This assessment is included in the bill for financing social insurance for 2023.

The daily indicates that the French should therefore benefit from a remaining increase on January 1, 2023. A remaining increase is estimated at 0.8% to match the inflation rate of 2022. The same applies to the child benefit and the RSA, which with 1.7%. A planned increase for Apr 1, 2023.

Inflation looks set to be high again next year, ie +4.3%. That said, it should be at the center of debates in the National Assembly from mid-October. Especially when we look at the social security budget.

The left-wing coalition has already filed a claim. She wants a new anticipation of revaluations while the French facing a crisis. After all, the energy crisis still weighs heavily on the purchasing power of the French.

The PLFSS also focuses on three other areas

indignant pensions and child benefit, this Social Security Financing Act also applies to local authorities. This mainly concerns three areas, including the fight against medical deserts. After all, access to healthcare for all French people is central to this PLFSS.

That said, the text foresees the establishment of a 4th year internship for medical students. According to François Braun, Minister of Health, this creation will take place in underdeveloped areas as a matter of priority. It was Emmanuel Macron who announced this measure during his presidential campaign. A measurement which does not convince everyone.

As for the communities, the government takes care of the installation of doctors. The minister underlined the illegibility of the aid system. It will be reviewed during the next conventional negotiations between health insurance and liberal medicine. Negotiations will take place in the coming weeks.

It will aim to achieve one contract for practitioners. This is to avoid having to ask for a multitude of tools. Indeed, it is up to a one-stop shop that this request for support should be made. A one-stop shop representing the state, health insurance and local authorities. During the CNR on October 4, we will know more about the details of this device.

The establishment of a public childcare service

The second central axis of this PLFSS is the gradual establishment of a public service for early childhood. This text should lay the foundation stone of this service in the continuity of the Plan for the first 1000 days. This is in any case underlined by the cabinet of the Minister of Solidarity. The reform of the supplement of free choice of care (CMG) forms this stone.

The remaining amount for the parents is currently higher for the use of a childminder. Much more important than for a place in a crèche, namely 60% of young children. The government says that from 2025 and the full implementation of the new systemthere will be harmonization of dependent remnants.

From 2023, the number of places in crèches should increase. The goal is toReach 200,000 additional seats by 2033. In addition, the cabinet also wants to increase support for single-parent families. Jean-Christophe Combe recalls that “one third of these families live with an income below the poverty line. Jean-Christophe Combe is Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities.

For example, their child benefit will increase from 123.54 euros to 185.33 euros per month and per child from November 2022. The CMG also applies to these families until the children are 12 years old. At the moment it has only been extended to 6 years. All in all, for children and families, the cost of the investment is 1.5 billion euros.

Autonomy Support for the Elderly

The third axis relates to support for the autonomy of the elderly. The new government has buried the great law on the autonomy of the elderly. However, it has provided additional resources to help the sector in an emergency and in the longer term.

For autonomy, expenses will increase by 5.2%. This represents an envelope of approximately 1.5 billion euros. To respond to the emergency, the PLFSS will make an envelope of 440 million euros available for the structures from 2022.


Indeed, inflation also affects medical-social institutions just like the rest of French society. In addition, the PLFSS plans to extend the pay increase to the voluntary sector as well.

And this, on the model of the increase in the index point, announced in mid-September. This responds to the urgency of the staff shortage. To cover these costs for the year 2023, an envelope of 670 million euros is planned.

In addition, measures are planned to prepare for the transformation of the supply of housing and settlement assistance. It is for dependent elderly. In Ehpad we have budgeted for 2023 3,000 out of 50,000 nursing posts promised for the quinquenium.

In addition, to respond to the Orpea scandal, there is a chapter on the financial transparency of private institutions. Jean-Christophe Combe underlined a great effort to keep the elderly at home. The creation of 4,000 SSIAD places enhance home care.

Two hours a week is added to the home APA recipient help plan. The minister clarified that they will introduce the measure in close collaboration with the departments that fund the APA.

#Child #benefit #RSA #pensions #allowances

Written by taky hed

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