
It is possible to place your own solar panels

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In a time of rising energy costs, the prospect of being able to produce all or part of your energy yourself if you live in a house with solar panels is exciting. But the required investment is cooling: according to Engie, it costs on average between 9,000 and 12,000 euros in installation costs. To cut the bill, Oscaro Power had an idea: to offer complete solar kits for self-installation. 20 minutes deciphers this offer for you.

Exploding sales

Oscaro Power is a spin-off of Founded in 2001, the company offers original spare parts for sale so that anyone can repair their vehicle. With Oscaro Power, the spirit has been the same since 2019: “making solar energy accessible to as many people as possible”, explains 20 minutes Marie Juyaux, CEO of Oscar Power. The company has already sold 10,000 of its solar kits since the beginning of the year and expects to sell 15,000 this year. “And there it goes fast, very fast. People are convinced of solar energy, Marie Juyaux notes. But for many, the question now is when will they take the plunge. »

Simulate its installation

Failing to install solar panels on the roof of our small pavilion in the Parisian suburbs ourselves, we did the classic consumer journey on the site. Simplicity is key. Within one minute we had a clear picture of the budget required for a possible future installation.

For this you have to enter the monthly amount of your electricity bill (we have indicated 80 euros), indicate whether you have an electric boiler, electric radiators, a swimming pool and an electric car. But also enter your zip code; choose the slope of the desired solar panels (depending on where they will be mounted), as well as their orientation. The result does not last long.

Oscaro Power solar kits are believed to equip 20,000 homes since 2019.
Oscaro Power solar kits are believed to equip 20,000 homes since 2019. – OSCARO POWER

In three seconds, the site recommends installing nine solar panels for an estimated average budget of 3,310 euros, or a reduced electricity bill of 470 euros per year. With such equipment, we could produce 34% of our electricity consumption, according to Oscaro Power. Not bad.

Are Excess Energy Selling or Not Selling?

It remains to continue the simulation by choosing the location of the panels (roof, pergola, lean-to, ground …), possibly the nature of our tiles, but also a model of solar panel. By choosing the recommended TrinaSolar Performance reference (420 Wp), the estimated bill reaches 4,721 euros (for a set of 69 products including panels, cables, fixings, etc.). We are already a long way from the initial 3,310 euros and the 470 euros in savings per year…

Savings that on reflection took into account in their calculation revenues related to the resale of excess electricity produced at ENEDIS. A resale on the basis of an optional contract of 650 euros (if you wish to entrust the administrative formalities to Oscaro Power and his partner JPME). If this does not happen, the excess electricity produced is returned to the grid. Our initial estimate of 3,310 euros explodes and this time it goes to 5,371 euros… It’s a bit like a new car: the base price is often attractive… excluding options!

Be handy and agile

“Ultimately, our kits make it possible to pay four times less than through an installer, they pay for themselves in 4 to 5 years and have a lifespan of 25 to 40 years,” reassures Marie Juyaux. But question: will we be able to climb on our roof and install our photovoltaic kit?

To install your solar kit, you need to be a handyman...and agile.
To install your solar kit, you need to be a handyman…and agile. – OSCARO POWER

“Yes”, replies Oscaro Power’s general manager, “our customers don’t experience any particular problems, they are even proud of what they do themselves and sometimes share videos of their installation on YouTube”. And Oscaro Power assures that in case of problems, its toll-free customer service, in its offices, “never hangs up without a solution found”. Video tutorials are also available. Still, you have to be quite handy, agile… and careful! But the mission doesn’t seem impossible.

Competitors in the ranks

While there are certainly savings to be made compared to installation by professionals (who can benefit from a reduced VAT rate), the Oscaro Power solution has its limitations, as with all photovoltaic equipment. The electricity produced can only be consumed when it is produced, that is, during the day, because it is the brightness that makes the panels work. For example, it is impossible to charge your electric car overnight if you have not also purchased a battery to store the energy from the solar panels. Drums whose entry-level price is … at least 6,000 euros! Or as far as we’re concerned a global invoice of 11,571 euros!

“Our customers don’t buy batteries, but quickly understand that it’s better to do their washing machine or charge their car during the day, and not at night. In this case, we manage to have 100% self-consumption for days,” says Marie Juyaux.

Producing “home” electricity is undoubtedly a trend that will develop. And an indisputable path to the future. Other players, such as Beem Energy, are also positioning themselves in this market with self-installed photovoltaic kits, such as Ikea furniture. With four panels for installation on the ground or on the roof (sold for 780 euros), Beem Energy promises to produce 15% of a household’s electricity consumption.

Therefore, before equipping yourself, you should carefully assess your needs and compare the offers, no matter how advantageous they may seem at first glance. Perhaps first make efforts to reduce consumption and improve insulation. And put on a turtleneck sweater.

#place #solar #panels

Written by Takyhed

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