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    Child benefit, RSA, pensions: these allowances must go up in 2023!

    Child benefit and social security benefits will be revalued in April 2023. Old-age pensions become from January 2023 according to information reported by Les Echos on Sunday, September 25. A little help from the government The purchasing power of the French will benefit from a small boost from the government. Indeed, the State plans a […] More

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    Supplementary retirement pension: this amount that seniors will receive extra from November!

    On August 18, the law protecting the purchasing power of the French was passed was published in the Official Gazette. This text entailed several increases, including the 4% increase in the basic pension. Discussions are still ongoing for supplementary pensions. It started on September 13 for Agirc-Arrco. At the time of writing this article, debates […] More

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    Fuel discount: here it drops from 30 to 10 cents!

    As part of the fight against decline in purchasing power, the fuel discount follows a special schedule. This allows the French to save 30 euro cents per liter of fuel purchased from 1 September. The measure will be maintained for two months before dropping to 10 cents until the end of the year. Bruno Le […] More

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    Firewood shortage is on the rise amid rising prices

    Timber prices have risen 20% since June, bolstered by a surge in demand and the arrival of new dealers ready to do whatever it takes to get their share of the pie. Wood prices are rising, in addition to a growing shortage. Firewood suppliers are unanimous: there won’t be enough logs for everyone this winter. […] More

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    The “electricity weather forecast” appears on TV

    Twitter screenshot The “electricity weather forecast” as visible on the Ecowatt website, to know the voltage of the French electricity system in real time. Twitter screenshot The “electricity weather forecast” as visible on the Ecowatt website, to know the voltage of the French electricity system in real time. ENERGY – Faced with the energy crisis, […] More

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    Facing the recession-inflation pair, the Wall Street crash continues

    The floor of the New York Stock Exchange, September 23, 2022. SPENCER PLATT / AFP Inflation and recession: The cocktail is explosive for the financial markets, which ended the week with a general decline, be it stocks, bonds and all currencies against the dollar. It’s about the determination of Federal Reserve President Jerome Powell to […] More

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    Change your tone in world of pr

     The international of PR is taking advantage of dramatic modifications inside the manner media insurance is being brought electronically for your computer computing device or PDA of preference. Perhaps the nuisance of ink on your hands is being replaced by way of a terrible case of “BlackBerry thumb” — however although getting your media insurance […] More

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    how to gain costumers and keep them

     Marketing and income will, of path, be of the maximum significance to the achievement of your small enterprise.  However, do you even understand the difference among the 2?  Marketing is the entirety your corporation does to reach out to the client and locate capacity clients.  Marketing is instruction for sales.  Sales is the whole thing […] More

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    What’s a niche how to choose one

     According to Wikipedia, a niche is “a unique area inside the scheme of things.” Niche marketing is described as “the technique of finding and serving small but doubtlessly worthwhile market segments and designing custom-made products or services for them.” So it is all about locating your unique location, and the goods and services that fit. […] More

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    How to be a good public speaker

     Throughout the history of human civilization, people have been expressing their self assurance and energy, not handiest by means of pressure, however also by the noble artwork of public speaking. The orators of ancient Greece have been exceedingly respected and valued in the community. Likewise, nowadays’s world leaders are admired and esteemed once they have […] More

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