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    Yoga Get Toned and Relaxed with the Top Health Benefits

    Yoga isn’t just about the type of poses you can do in your living room β€” it’s also an essential part of building physical and mental health from the inside out. It’s been around for thousands of years, and many people still practice yoga today to get more flexibility, boost their strength and endurance, and […] More

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    A dog parasite can help fight incurable cancers

    Cancer currently remains the second leading cause of death in the world, despite improvements in patient care. The seriousness of these diseases(cancer) lies in their great diversity. While some cancers are treated effectively with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, others respond little or not at all to these treatments. Improving the management of these diseases […] More

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    Relationship between spouses is a fuel for life!!!

    What is the effect of the continuation of the circumstances that affect the non-exercise of the relationship between spouses?? The cessation of sex and the relationship between spouses is due to reasons, such as: 1 organic disease 2 mental illness 3 environmental conditions 4 social conditions πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘ Disruption of the marital sexual correlation because of […] More

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    Meal vouchers, real estate loans… What will change on October 1, 2022

    Every beginning of the month is marked by the entry into force of new functions. After the fuel discount or student grant in September, next Saturday October 1, 2022, there will be changes on the side of restaurant tickets or even mortgages. Overview. The wear rate will increase The dropout rate will go up next […] More

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    Child benefit, RSA, pensions: these allowances must go up in 2023!

    Child benefit and social security benefits will be revalued in April 2023. Old-age pensions become from January 2023 according to information reported by Les Echos on Sunday, September 25. A little help from the government The purchasing power of the French will benefit from a small boost from the government. Indeed, the State plans a […] More

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    Fuel discount: here it drops from 30 to 10 cents!

    As part of the fight against decline in purchasing power, the fuel discount follows a special schedule. This allows the French to save 30 euro cents per liter of fuel purchased from 1 September. The measure will be maintained for two months before dropping to 10 cents until the end of the year. Bruno Le […] More

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    Firewood shortage is on the rise amid rising prices

    Timber prices have risen 20% since June, bolstered by a surge in demand and the arrival of new dealers ready to do whatever it takes to get their share of the pie. Wood prices are rising, in addition to a growing shortage. Firewood suppliers are unanimous: there won’t be enough logs for everyone this winter. […] More

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    Accommodation. Can it be beneficial to buy an “energy sieve”?

    Since August 24, owners of rental properties whose energy performance diagnosis is classified as F or G can no longer increase the rent. A consequence of the Climate and Resilience Act passed in July 2021. And this is just a first step. As of 1 January 2023, a G-home can no longer be rented out […] More